Monday, August 8, 2011

It's getting closer!

It's that time of year when the house is filled with children having had a little too much togetherness. Sienna is counting down to the moment she goes back to school. The house is all a flutter with the news of new teachers and the shopping bags are full of pink pearl erasers and pencils.

Tonight we go to meet the teacher! I have all the supplies packed up and ready to drop in the classroom. My wallet is a little lighter.

We have been out to get a couple new shirts for all the kids. They don't need much we just freshened up the wardrobes in the spring. No need for jeans for a few more months.

Ashlynn will be meeting all of her teachers tomorrow night. A child in Jr. High!!!! What the heck?! She has practiced opening her lock till she's a pro. It will be a fun adventure. At least she doesn't look as dorky as I did at her age! Or maybe I should be trying to nerd her up a little...

Rigdon gets to meet his teachers on Friday. Three whole hours three times a week, what to do with myself?

It's been a wonderful summer, We have had much fun with friends and family. But the school schedule is calling. Maybe I will stop forgetting scouts.

I really thought we would have a baby by now, but alas it doesn't seem to be happening. So I will enjoy this newfound freedom.

If you happen to have a new baby, I hope you will share I do love them.