Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm pretty awesome...

October 7th was the last day of school before Fall break. Gunner wanted to compete in the battle of the books with some friends so we went to watch. They answered questions from four books and did a great job! I was feeling pretty proud.

After I went over to Angela's to can some chicken for the first time. I tried to eat canned chicken from the store once... I was not loving it. So I had a 40 pound box to cut up and can.
And wow a few hours later I now have 35 pint jars of chicken good for at least 3 years! I feel so awesome! And of course I never mind spending the afternoon with Angela. She was so nice to show me how to do this and let me use her canner.
Now every time I go into the food storage room I smile to myself.

1 comment:

Cristal said...

that canned chicken looks gross. i should probably do it.