Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some things change while some things remain the same.

Most people know we have been house hunting for the past 2 years. We would really like to find the house we are just going to stay in for a very long time. While the house we a currently in is perfectly lovely and I could happily live here until I die... The desire for a home on a little bigger piece of property is there. I would also never choose to live in a home owners association again. It makes me feel sick every time I get an e mail or attend a meeting. blah!

So we look and look and look.

Last week we looked at a beautiful house, it had a basement, big yard, no HOA, quiet street, close to the new temple... All things I would love to have. We came home and went about the rest of our Saturday.

As the day progressed and turned into Sunday I wondered why we weren't talking about this house. We both liked it. What could be the problem? My desire to be free from someone telling me what I can and can't do to my own house is sometimes overwhelming.

But there has been a little nagging voice telling me it's just not time yet. Well little voice, that is just not what I want to hear!

Then last Sunday afternoon President Wilcock called to see if he could talk with Andrew and I.

While we waited we talked about how we hadn't been talking about the great house we had seen and if this could be the reason. And of course, what could be worse than high counsel?

Well Andrew was released form the high council and called to be the 2nd couselor in the bishopric.

So I guess we will be in this house for a few more years at least. OF course I really would be fine if I never moved. At least I can stop hurting my brain thinking about moving.

It will be new and different. I hear I will be a bishopric widow, we'll see how it goes.

I on the other hand am loving my calling, teaching the 10-12 year old girls in primary. This is pretty much my first time serving in primary, I don't count the 7 times I've served in the nursery. They are so fun and ready to learn each week!


Benjamin Hunsaker said...

I just read some of your posts below, so cute! I'll need to remember to check your blog more often. My bro lives in a house you just described. Lots of land, no HOA, a basement. Greenfield & Guadalupe, they love it. However, I would not love it if you weren't in the ward. Your family is so awesome. Your boys sang so beautifully, I really wanted to cry but I held back the tears. They aren't even my kids! And then Rigdon, he's pretty much awesome. Like, the best kid ever. Congrats to Andrew! Yes, you will be a single mom but you guys will be blessed. Please let me know if you need anything. I'm always here and can help with carpools, etc. We don't do anything in the afternoons after school so you just let me know! Plus if I could take Rigdon for an hour or something while you drop/take kids places.....I need somebody to chase my child. Ok, this comment is forever long, sorry!

Jenna said...

Dillon and I were totally like, "Andrew is SO bishopric material." Kind of funny, but Dillon told Andrew, "Wow, just when you start getting comfortable ..." and Andrew agreed. And then Dillon goes, "Just don't get too comfortable in the Bishopric!" Haha.

If Rigdon ever wants to come sit with us during church he's more than welcome. Audrey loves him. You're usually only an aisle away anyhow!

Anonymous said...

Well you are right about change!
I didn't know you lost your blog...just saw the link on fb...glad to see you again! *smiles*
So many fun things you've beenup to.
Oh, you'll be a great bishopric wife! *grins*