Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finally the rest of the trip.

We some stand up paddle boarding, of course you are thinking that's not standing... but you have to kneel till you get to the place to stand.
Our instructor (her name was turtle) took us down a little stream, which also had many turtles swimming around. It was beautiful and fun!
Oh look! Standing! We did it and were pretty good at it, if I do say so myself.
Sunday we went to church with the Evansons, some friends who have a house in our neighborhood but are working in Oahu for a few years. Then we went to check out the Temple. It was breathtaking.
This is the view from the front of the temple looking to the ocean.
I love these giant trees!
Andrew working our rental car.

From one temple to another. We drove around the east side of the island to check it out and found the valley of the temples. It was a cemetery and a buddhist temple.
Also very beautiful.

Then we checked out the point, a place where you can do some cliff jumping. We did not.
We randomly ran into Shauna Evanson, for the second time.
Finished off our trip with a day of snorkeling before it was time to get to the airport and back to real life.
It was wonderful to be away and free from responsibilities, but we were ready to see the children and get back to our comfortable bed.

1 comment:

Rachael Papes said...

When I watched the shark video on facebook I was anticipating jaws music while it loaded. When out started playing I realized that naturally when you are under water there is no music. haha